Blues Piano Practice Session 2 In All 12 Keys
per item
Page 1 of this Blues Piano Practice Session 2 takes a 2 measure
blues piano riff through all 12 keys around the cycle of 4th.s.
Page 2
shows how to create a 12 bar blues progression in the key of G using
this 2 measure riff.
The audio file that accompanies the sheet music is split into 4 sections,
Part 1 consists of the piano playing along with the rhythm backing tracks in all 12 keys.
Part 2 consists of the rhythm backing tracks in all 12 keys for practicing purposes.
Part 3 consists of the piano playing along with the rhythm backing tracks in the 12 bar blues progression format in the key of G
Part 4 consists of the rhythm backing tracks in the 12 bar blues progression format in the key of G to practice with.